7 Tips To Stay Healthy While You Travel This Holiday Season

Posted by Amina AlTai on

The holidays can be the best of times and the worst of times.  They're full of family, friends and FOOD!!!  And as hard as you try to hit the gym, avoid the party buffets, and skip the sugary cocktails, travel can throw your healthy living into a tail spin.  Here are a few tips and tricks to help you beat the backlash of airline travel so you can be the sexiest POA under the mistletoe.  

1. Hydrate: This might be an obvious one, but it's super important.  When we fly, our bodies become even more dehydrated.  Oftentimes when we're thirsty our mind registers it as hunger and we overeat.  Staying hydrated is the best way to prevent overeating in the airport.

2. Come prepared: Airports have come a long way in the last few years when it comes to healthier options, but they still have a long way to go.  Make sure to pack your carry-on full of healthy and filling options.  Stock nuts, roasted chickpeas, fruit and easily transportable veggies like carrots.  I've even been known to bring brown rice tortillas in my purse!  Hey, a girls gotta eat!

3. Beat the bloat: My favorite way get rid of extra water weight from plane travel is to drink detox tea.  Look for a tea with milk thistle and dandelion root.  Milk thistle supports liver detox and dandelion root is a natural diuretic so you'll be sure to get rid of those "cankles" you acquired in-flight.  

4. Moisturize: Our skin can take a beating from airline travel.  Pop some moisturizer in your bag so you can use it in-flight.  Additionally, if you want to arrive looking even more fresh, try using a cloth face mask while flying.  It might not look the prettiest, but it will certainly keep you hydrated.  

5. Protect yourself: Airplanes are breading grounds for germs.  Additionally, when we fly our nasal passages become dry and cracked- making them more susceptible to virus' and bacteria.  Take some extra zinc and vitamin c before and after you fly.  You can also use saline solution in your nose to help prevent dryness.  (pro tip: wipe down remotes, tray tables and screens as they rarely get cleaned). 

6. Move & Stretch: Long flights can put people at risk of DVT, a blood clot that forms in the legs, which can be extremely hazardous to your health.  Stretch before getting on the plane and get up every hour to move around the cabin and get your blood flowing.  

7. Layer up: Scientists at Yale University concluded that when we're cold our immunity suffers, making us more susceptible illness.  Since cabin temperatures are often all over the place, bring a few layering pieces to make sure you're not left out in the cold.  

How do you stay well when you travel?  We'd love to hear your tips.  

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